Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Way to Grow!

I read a great article this morning in the Baltimore Business Journal's Morning Edition--The Number of Women-Owned Businesses on the Rise in Maryland. The number of women-owned businesses in Maryland has grown 28% since 2007; the national average growth rate for all business is 9%.  Fantastic news!  We are proud to offer small business and entrepreneurship classes to help women (and men) get the support and knowledge  they need to succeed.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Do You Have Dream?

Do you have a dream? Something that people will remember you for? Are you an entrepreneur, artist, start-up, or small business owner who wants to learn more about crowdfunding and how it can help you launch or grow your business, and fulfill your dream? If so, join us on April 16 and 23 at the Essex campus and find out how to get started.
To register for Crowdfunding Basics for Entrepreneurs, Artists, and Inventors (CRN 76083), call 443-840-4700, or go to online registration.