Tuesday, November 1, 2016

"Voice-Overs: Now is Your Time!"


Dan Levine is a 1992 Tony Award nominee for the score of the Broadway musical “Anna Karenina.” He has won many awards for his commercial productions as well, including a national Clio Award and several local advertising ADDY Awards and nominations. As a successful record producer and music arranger/orchestrator, his arranging and/or production credits include CDs for sing- ers such as Leslie Uggams, several original cast recordings and numerous television shows and commercials. For 17 years, Dan produced commercials for hundreds of clients around the   country.


Dan’s voice-over seminars, entitled “Voice-Overs…Now is Your Time!” have motivated countless future voice-over artists. He continues to deliver these seminars to packed houses throughout the country. Dan’s unique marketing technique has opened doors for talented individuals who might never have made it using conventional marketing methods. His philosophy of being   who you are and turning your natural personality into a marketable commodity is giving new talented voice-over artists the opportunity to find their inner strengths and to use them in a fun, lucrative and productive way.


Breaking into the voice-over industry is much more achievable today than it was in years past, thanks in large part to the accessibility of having a home studio and the industry being so virtual now. You don’t need to be in a major market to be a successful voice-over talent. To set up a studio in your home, it’s about $350 for the recording equipment once you have a computer, add in a marketable voice, and strong reading comprehension skills, and you have a great foundation to get started. However, even with all of these tools, to really succeed in voice-over, you need to have proper coaching. There’s a lot more to voice-overs than just having a nice sound and reading a script. You have know how to interpret the scripts and bring them to life, this is where acting comes in. The Such A Voice course, “Voice-Overs…Now is Your Time!” will give interested persons the introduction of techniques and tools to do this.


While a person with any background may have an interest in voice-overs, there are professions that provide a natural training ground for this career path. Dan says, “having experience in theater, teaching, public speaking or sales creates a great foundation for voice-over work.” Additionally, a business background is useful in managing the logistics of a home-based business. Then, some technical savvy is needed to operate the voice-over equipment. This, like any business, needs to be built. In the beginning it’s expected you’ll spend more time marketing and auditioning than recording jobs, however, once you become established   and land regular clients, it will even out. Self-promotion and auditioning can result in a career with unlimited income   potential.


Wednesday 11/9, 7-9 p.m. at CCBC Essex (CRN 32056).  To register, call 443-840-4700 or go to www.ccbcmd.edu/flexreg.

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